Cyberius' Network is owned and operated by Jesse Trucks. The company has been in business since August 1996. The company was founded with Internet services in mind, but as the IT industry evolved, the company's focus has shifted to higher-level IT planning and security needs.
Founder and owner Jesse Trucks has worked in a startup, at an ISP in the 90's, as the single IT guy, and as part of an organization with nearly 150 system administrators maintaining more than 5,500 enterprise servers. He has, also, managed a team of systems administrators for a consulting firm, and worked on a team doing Unix systems related research and development for new projects and products, process improvement, and advanced technical assistance for internal clients and coworkers. Most recently, Trucks worked with special purpose supercomputers supporting computational biochemistry for a research company, and now supports information security for a U.S. national laboratory.
He has extensive security experience in incident handling, intrusion detection, policy development, monitoring, and implementation management, and he is well versed in Disaster Recovery planning and testing. Trucks advocates for extensive documentation, strong security, change control, and professionalism.
He served as an elected member of the League of Professional System Administrators (LOPSA) Board of Directors from 2007 to 2013, and he assists the LOPSA Education Committee by teaching at training events. Trucks has taught more than a dozen classes at various conferences, including four of the 16 classes at each of the LOPSA Sysadmin Days events. He was a Local Mentor Instructor for the SANS Institute SEC-506: Securing Unix/Linux course; has held a GCIH certification; and currently holds a GCUX Gold certification. In addition, he serves as a member of the SANS/GIAC Advisory Board.
Jesse Trucks resides in Knoxville, TN and is available for teaching or presentation engagements in any location.
View Jesse's resume (PDF format).